If you are using using Instagram to market your business, you would probably want to direct followers to your website?

With a few simple tactics, you can generate quality website traffic from Instagram. If you’re struggling to drive traffic to your brand’s website from Instagram, this post is for you.

Here are a few simple ways  use Instagram to drive traffic to your website.

Use the link in your bio effectively

This link should be used to send Instagram followers to the most ideal location. Instagram lets you include one clickable link in your bio, so make sure you use it effectively. To add a link, go to Edit Profile and type it in the Website text box.

You can use tools  like Have2Have.it, you can use your bio link to direct followers to a page with the same look and feel as your Instagram feed, where they can click images to purchase your products or read your content.

If you want to hack the one link instagram problem, you can use tools like  linktree to add multiple links. When users click your custom link, they see a page with multiple links you want to share, such as links to your email signup, products, a blog post, and so on. You can share up to five links with Linktree.

Include a call-to-action

Design Instagram photos that convert. You can layer a call to action and your website URL directly onto an aesthetically pleasing photo, or ask  your users to click a link in bio. This works well with contests and sales, you could specify by saying, “click the link in bio for more information” or “click the link in bio to shop this product” or even “click the link in bio and use promo code XXXX to take 10% off today only!”.

Adding Links to Instagram Stories

At this point in time, only business profiles with 10k followers are able to add links to their Stories. If you’re in this category – lucky you! Being able to add direct links to Stories is the easiest way to drive traffic to a number of different pages within a short period of time. When anyone views your Story, they’ll see a small ‘See More’ CTA ( call to action) at the bottom of the screen with an arrow to Swipe Up. It’s fairly hidden, so get creative and draw some attention to it.

Tagging Your Profile in Stories

Why would you tag your own profile in your Story? Well, if you don’t have the ability to add direct links, it’s a good way to send those viewing your Story to your profile, and to the link in your bio in particular.

As Instagram becomes a revenue-based social channel, make sure your Instagram strategy is focused on driving leads to your website. You can learn about follower data to form content strategies, drive revenue and brand awareness from clickable links and promote blog posts right on the platform. Don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to get Instagram marketing tips & tricks straight to your inbox!